Writing Coaching Sessions

Sesiones de entrenamiento de escritura


Writer's Coaching Sessions

with Elizabeth Escobar

Elizabeth Escobar is a wife, mom, and lover of all things learning especially theology. Elizabeth has a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies from Life Pacific University.  Elizabeth is the co-authored two bilingual children's devotionals, Dios Es Amor/God is Love and Oh Happy Day/Oh Dia Feliz. Elizabeth currently helps women bring their stories to life.

Elizabeth Escobar es esposa, madre y y le apasiona aprender, especialmente la teología. Elizabeth tiene una licenciatura en Estudios Bíblicos de Life Pacific University. Elizabeth es coautora de dos devocionales bilingües para niños, Dios Es Amor/God is Love y Oh Happy Day/Oh Dia Feliz. Actualmente, Elizabeth ayuda a las mujeres dar vida a sus historias.


Writer's Coaching Sessions

with Vanessa Gracia Cruz

Vanessa Gracia Cruz is a speaker, business woman, published author, and communicator who lives in South Florida. A large part of her ministry is dedicated to bringing hope to the broken, and learning to heal emotionally. She loves to share how the Lord brought her joy, even in the midst of great pain. Today Vanessa travels all over the world sharing her testimony and inspiring others to rise above their difficult circumstances and flourish!


Vanessa Gracia Cruz es Pastora, empresaria, autora publicada y comunicadora que vive en el sur de Florida. Gran parte de su ministerio está dedicado a llevar esperanza a los quebrantados y aprender a sanar emocionalmente. Le encanta compartir cómo el Señor le trajo gozo, incluso en medio de un gran dolor. ¡Hoy Vanessa viaja por todo el mundo compartiendo su testimonio e inspirando a otros a superar sus circunstancias difíciles y florecer!