Helping Women Build the Kingdom Through Their Stories



Who We Are & What We Do

Maven House publishing exists to bring Maven Stories to life. Maven in Hebrew means “One who understands.” Maven House is a community of women seeking to grow in their understanding of God and the world, and as a part of that growth, to share their stories.

Our vision is to bring the story God has given you from your heart to the world. We partner with first-time and repeating authors to complete their works, edit, publish and print their written masterpiece.

Maven House Publishing prayerfully chooses a handful of Kingdom Building works to publish yearly. To apply for publishing, submit your book proposal below.

What is the Publishing Process like?

At Maven House publishing, we know that writing a book is challenging, but for many authors the thought of publishing can be even more overwhelming. Not knowing where to begin stumps many authors into procrastination, or worse: quitting before they even begin. That’s where we come in! The Maven House Publishing Team wants to be your guide into the self-publishing process. Our team has gone through the process before, and exists to take the guess-work out of becoming a published author. Let our team be your staff. As we love to say: the hardest part should be the writing, publishing should be easy! 

Step 1: Submit Application

Step 2: Pick your package

Step 3: Coaching & Editing (Optional)

Step 4: Submit your finished manuscript

Step 5: Design

Step 6: Copyright and registration of ISBN

Step 7: Production

Step 8: Plan Launch

Our Packages

The Techy



  • Copyright + ISBN Registration
  • Publishing to Amazon & Kindle
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The Influencer



  • Copyright + ISBN Registration
  • Publishing to Amazon & Kindle
  • Production of Your Book
  • Maven Marketing (1x time)
  • Social Media Graphics (5 posts and quotes in English or Spanish) 
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  • Copyright + ISBN Registration
  • Publishing to Amazon & Kindle
  • Production of Your Book
  • Maven Marketing (1x time)
  • Front Cover Design
  • Book Interior Design
  • Back Cover Design
  • Social Media Graphics (5 posts and quotes in English or Spanish)
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The Maven



  • Copyright + ISBN Registration
  • Publishing to Amazon & Kindle
  • Production of Your Book
  • Maven Marketing ( for 6 months)
  • Front Cover Design
  • Book Interior Design
  • Back Cover Design 
  • Editing Services(1 Final Revision)
  • Cover & Design Revisions (Limited)
  • Social Media Graphics (10 posts and quotes in English or Spanish)
  • Website
  • Launch Consultation
  • Amazon Store Assistance
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Submit Interest Form

We can't wait to help you publish your book! please take a moment to review our packages and prices, fill out this form, and a member of our team will reach out to you with more information very soon!

Submit Interest Form